中國東北非漢語人名資料庫(NCNHNL)使用英文字母縮寫標記所有資料來源。您可按縮寫碼的首字母順序查閱完整的目錄信息。 『Complete』表示本條資料的人名提取已經全部完成,並收入資料庫,可檢索查閱;『Backend』表示資料的錄入工作已完成,暫處於後台,但尚不支持檢索; 『In Progress』表示此條資料正在整理中;『Scheduled for future』標記了下一階段的語料文獻,我們將盡快開展收錄工作。
AXJWG - - - Status: Complete
Sahaliyan ulai aihūn hoton-i gehungge yoso-i jai aniya amba ajige coohai tušan sirara hafasai ton-i toktobuha cese / Heilongjiang Aihun cheng Xuantong jun wuguan jing zhi ce 黑龍江愛琿城宣統軍武官經制冊 [Administrative records of senior and junior military officers stationed at Aihun Heilongjiang Province in the second year of Xuantong (1909) ]. Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫, file 103910.
BDDLE - - - Status: Complete
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Buteha Dedoule xingshi zupu (2)” 布特哈德都勒姓氏族谱(2)[Genealogy of the Butha Dedule (2)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo'er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, 55–92. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
BDDLS - - - Status: Complete
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Buteha Dedoule xingshi zupu (3)” 布特哈德都勒姓氏族谱(3)[Genealogy of the Butha Dedule (3)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo'er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, 93–101. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
BDDLY - - - Status: Complete
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Buteha Dedoule xingshi zupu (1)” 布特哈德都勒姓氏族谱(1)[Genealogy of the Butha Dedule (1)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, 3–55. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
BQSZT - - - Status: Backend
E’ertai (Ortai) 鄂爾泰, et al., eds. Qin ding Baqi Manzhou shizu tongpu 欽定八旗滿洲氏族通譜 [Complete genealogies of the Manchu clans and families of the Eight Banners], 1744. In Qin ding si ku quan shu 欽定四庫全書 [Complete books of the Four Storehouses]. 漢リポ Kanseki Repository. https://www.kanripo.org/text/KR2g0044/.
BQZYJ - - - Status: In progress
Tanii Yōko 谷井陽子. “Ren ming suo yin” 人名索引 [Name index]. In Hakki seido no kenkyū 八旗制度の研究 [Research on the Eight Banners system], 527–33. Kyōto: Kyōto daigaku gakujutsu shuppankai 京都大学学術出版会, 2015.
CXEGY - - - Status: Backend
Cicigar ba-i gehungge yoso-i jai aniya amba ajige hafasai ton-i toktobuha cese / Chichiharu sentō ninen daishō kan'in keiseisaku チチハル宣統二年大小官員經制冊 [Administrative records of senior and junior officers stationed at Qiqihar in the second year of Xuantong (1909) ]. Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫, file 103910.
DBDQM - - - Status: Complete
Legrand, Jacques. “Données biographiques sur les fonctionnaires des Qing de Mongolie (1796–1820)” [Biographical data on Qing officials in Mongolia , 1796–1820]. Études mongoles [Mongolian studies] 4 (1972): 75–120.
DBKCD - - - Status: Complete
Mandu’ertu (Mandurtu) 满都尔图, ed. Dawo’erzu baike cidian 达斡尔族百科词典 [Encyclopaedia of the Daur ethnic group]. Hulunbuir: Nei Menggu wenhua chubanshe 內蒙古文化出版社, 2007.
DLSDC - - - Status: Complete
Minzu wenti wuzhong congshu Nei Menggu zizhiqu bianji zu《民族问题五种丛书》内蒙古自治区编辑组 [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region editorial group of the Series of Five Types of Sources about Ethnic Questions], compiled. Dawo’erzu shehui lishi diaocha 达斡尔族社会历史调查 [Social history survey of the Daur]. Hohhot: Nei Menggu renmin chubanshe 内蒙古人民出版社, 1985.
DMNTP - - - Status: Backend
Stary, Giovanni. A Dictionary of Manchu Names: A Name-Index to the Manchu Version of the "Complete Genealogies of the Manchu Clans and Families of the Eight Banners" / Jakun gusai Manjusai mukun hala be uheri ejehe bithe 八旗滿洲氏族通譜 (Baqi Manzhou shizu tongpu). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in K., 2000.
DMRFC - - - Status: Complete
Du Xinghua 杜兴华, Batubaoyin 巴图宝音. Zhongguo Dawo'erzu mingren fengcai lu 中国达斡尔族名人风采录 [Collection of Famous Daur People in China]. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu daxue chubanshe 中央民族大学出版社, 2010.
DWEZL - - - Status: Complete
Nashundalai 那顺达來. “Kumonayan Dubotabenqian Ayantabenqian xingshi zupu” 库莫那彥、杜波塔本浅、阿彥塔本浅姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Kumonayan, Dubotabenqian and Ayantabenqian]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 8, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 1–14. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
DYJSJ - - - Status: Complete
Meng Zhidong 孟志东. “Dawo’erzu yanjiu di san ji” 达斡尔族研究第三辑 [Research on the Daur, third series]. In Daor
bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 1139–1208. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2005.
DYYWH - - - Status: Complete
Ding Shiqing 丁石庆. Dawoer yuyan yu shehui wenhua 达斡尔语言与社会文化 [Daur language and social culture]. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu daxue chubanshe 中央民族大学出版社, 1998.
EMME - - - Status: Backend
Atwood, Christopher P. Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire. New York: Facts on File, 2004.
GBLMN - - - Status: In progress
“Guobuluo shi Mangnai xingshi zupu” 郭布罗氏莽乃姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Guobuluo and the Mangnai]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 4–97. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
HCTZQ - - - Status: Complete
Qian Yue 錢樾, et al., eds. Huang chao tongzhi: juan qi 皇朝通志 · 卷七 [Dynastic histories: chapter 7]. In Qin ding si ku quan shu 欽定四庫全書 [Complete books of the Four Storehouses]. Chinese Text Project. https://ctext.org/library.pl?if=gb&res=6686.
HKJRC - - - Status: Complete
Zhongguo keji rencai jiaoliu zhongxin Heilongjiang sheng fen zhongxin 中国科技人才交流中心黑龙江省分中心 [Exchange center for qualified scientists and technicians --Heilongjiang provincial branch center], ed. Heilongjiang keji rencai zongheng 黑龙江科技人才纵横 [A broad (compendium) of qualified scientists and technicians in Heilongjiang]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 1994.
HLSXZ - - - Status: Complete
Xin Peilin 辛培林, Wang Jingrong 王敬荣, eds. Heilongjiang jiangyu lishi yu xianzhuang wenti yanjiu 黑龙江疆域历史与现状问题研究 [Research on the frontier history and present problems in Heilongjiang]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 2006.
HMGDY - - - Status: Complete
Min ge Heilongjiang sheng weiyuanhui 民革黑龙江省委员会 [Revolutionary Committee of Heilongjiang province], ed. Heilongjiang min ge dangyuan minglu 黑龙江民革党员名录 [Roster of the Heilongjiang Revolutionary Committee Party members]. Internal publication 內部发行, 1994.
HMRCD - - - Status: Complete
Li Lianqing 李连清 and Zhang Shuqing 张树清, eds. Hecheng mingren cidian 鹤城名人辞典 [Dictionary of famous people of Hecheng]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 2000.
JDNZY - - - Status: Complete
Sun Bojun 孫伯君. Jindai Nüzhen yu 金代女真语 [Jurchen language in the Jin dynasty]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2004.
KEDAE - - - Status: Complete
Neimenggu dongbei shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 内蒙古东北少数民族社会历史调查组 [Survey group of social history of the ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia], compiled. Kuma’er lu Elunchun zu dang’an cailiao: di er ce 库玛尔路鄂伦春族档案材料:第二冊 [Archival materials of the Orochen in Kumar route: volume 2]. Harbin: Heilongjiang sheng minzu yanjiu suo 黑龙江省民族研究所, 1958.
KEDAS - - - Status: Complete
Neimenggu dongbei shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 内蒙古东北少数民族社会历史调查组 [Survey group of social history of the ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia], compiled. Kuma’er lu Elunchun zu dang’an cailiao: di san ce 库玛尔路鄂伦春族档案材料:第三冊 [Archival materials of the Orochen in Kumar route: volume 3]. Harbin: Heilongjiang sheng minzu yanjiu suo 黑龙江省民族研究所, 1958.
KEDAY - - - Status: Complete
Neimenggu dongbei shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 内蒙古东北少数民族社会历史调查组 [Survey group of social history of the ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia], compiled. Kuma’er lu Elunchun zu dang’an cailiao: di yi ce 库玛尔路鄂伦春族档案材料:第一冊 [Archival materials of the Orochen in Kumar route: volume 1]. Harbin: Heilongjiang sheng minzu yanjiu suo 黑龙江省民族研究所, 1958.
KEMQZ - - - Status: Complete
Liu Dingxin 刘顶新. “Kuma’er lu Elunchun Manwen qiangzhi dang’an zouyi 库玛尔路鄂伦春满文枪支档案刍议 [Discussions on the documents recording rifles of the Orochen in Kumar Route].” Manyu Yanjiu 满语研究, vol. 2 (2015): 139–44.
LDMZP - - - Status: In Progress
Benxi shi dang shi difang zhi bangong shi 本溪市党史地方志办公室 [Benxi City Party History and Local History Office], ed. Liaodong Manzu jiapu xuanbian 辽东满族家谱选编 [Selected collection of Liaodong area Manchu genealogies]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2012.
LNHZS - - - Status: Complete
Ma Wenqing 马文清, Yang Yao’en杨耀恩, and Ding Qijiang丁岐江, eds. Liaoning huizu shihua 辽宁回族史话 [Historical accounts of Hui people in Liaoning]. Liaoning: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2001.
MBTHZ - - - Status: Complete
Meng Dinggong 孟定恭. Menggu Buteha Zhilue 蒙古布特哈志略 [Short Records of Geography of the Mongol Butha Banner]. Chinese Text Project. https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=836948&remap=gb.
MGSLD - - - Status: Backend
Neimenggu zizhiqu bianji zu 内蒙古自治区编辑组 [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region editorial group], and “Zhongguo shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha ziliao congkan” xiuding bianji weiyuanhui《中国少数民族社会历史调查资料丛刊》修订编辑委员会 [Editorial committee for the revision of “China’s ethnic minority social history survey data series”], compiled. Mengguzu shehui lishi diaocha 蒙古族社会历史调查 [Social history survey of the Mongols]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2009.
MSLDB - - - Status: Complete
Jilin shen shehui kexueyuan lishi yanjiu suo吉林省社会科学院历史研究所编, ed. Ming shi lu Dongbei shi ziliao ji 明实录东北史资料辑 [Collection of historical materials of northeast in Veritable Records of the Ming]. Shenyang: Liao shen shushe 辽沈书社, 1990.
MYMHY - - - Status: Backend
Qi Zhongming 綦中明. “Manyu minghao yanjiju” 满语名号研究 [Study on the Manchu titles]. PhD diss., Heilongjiang daxue 黑龙江大学, 2013.
MZWHS - - - Status: Complete
Zhang Jiasheng 张佳生, ed. Manzu wenhua shi 满族文化史 [Manchu cultural history]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 1999.
MZXSL - - - Status: Complete
Liu Qinghua 刘庆华. Manzu xinshi lu 满族姓氏录 [Collection of Manchu hala names]. Xinbin: Liaoning shen Xinbin Manzu zizhi xian min wei and Manzu wenhua yeyu yanjiu zu 辽宁省新宾满族自治县县民委、满族文化业余研究组, 1982. Internal Publication [内部发行].
MZZHZ - - - Status: Complete
Ma Zhaozheng 马兆政. Huizu 回族 [Hui people]. Liaoning: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2008.
NHRWL - - - Status: Complete
Meng Qingjiang 孟庆江, ed. Nehe shi renwu lu 讷河市人物录 [Records of notable persons of Nehe]. Nehe: Nehe shi zhengxue wenshi he xuexi weiyuanhui 讷河市政協文史和学习委员会 [Nehe City Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) literature and history and studies committee], 2000.
QDMZP - - - Status: In Progress
He Xiaofang 何晓芳, ed. Qingdai Manzu jiapu xuanji 清代满族家谱选辑 [Selected Manchu genealogies from the Qing dynasty]. 2 vols. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2016.
QRMYH - - - Status: Complete
Yigeng 奕賡, and Lei Dashou 雷大受, ed. “Qingyu renming yihan” 清語人名譯漢 [Han transliteration of Qing-language personal names]. In Jia meng xuan cong zhu 佳夢軒叢著 [Series of the Jia Meng Xuan], 275–346. Beijing: Beijing guji chubanshe 北京古籍出版社, 1994.
SMZFS - - - Status: Complete
Mao Gongning 毛公宁, ed. Zhongguo shaoshu minzu fengsu zhi 中国少数民族风俗志 [Annals of China’s ethnic minority customs]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2006.
SYZQD - - - Status: Complete
Ding Shiqing 丁石庆. Shuangyu zuqun yuyan wenhua de tiaoshi yu chonggou—Dawo’erzu ge’an yanjiu 双语族群语言文化的调适与重构──达斡尔族个案研究 [Bilingual groups: the adaptation and reconstruction of linguistic culture—a case study on the Daur people]. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu chubanshe 中央民族出版社, 2006.
TYMAZ - - - Status: Complete
Tong Yue 佟悅. Manzu 满族 [Manchu ethnic group]. Liaoning: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2008.
TZLZS - - - Status: In progress
Kanda Nobuo 神田信夫, Matsumura Jun 松村潤, and Okada Hidehiro 岡田英弘, compiled. “Han Man dui zhao biao” 漢满對照表 [Conversion table of Chinese-Manchu languages]. In Hakki tsūshi retsuden sakuin 八旗通志列傳索引 [Index to the biographical sections of the Preliminary Compilation of the Gazetteer of the Eight Banners], 99–130. Tokyo : Tōyō Bunko Manbun Rōtō Kenkyūkai 東洋文庫滿文老檔硏究會, 1965.
XBXSG - - - Status: Complete
Guo Jianzhong 郭建中, ed. “Xibozu xingshi gaishu” 錫伯族姓氏概述 [Brief account of Sibe surnames]. In Yili wenshi ziliao, di 26 ji Xibozu zhuanji 伊犁文史资料:第26辑 锡伯族专辑 [Ili literature and history materials, volume number 26, Sibe ethnic group volume], composed by Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi Yili Hasake zizhizhou weiyuanhui wenshi ziliao weiyuanhui 中国人民政治协商会议伊犁哈萨克自治州委员会文史资料委员会 [Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture committee literature and history materials committee], 220–40. Yining: Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi Yili Hasake zizhizhou weiyuanhui wenshi ziliao weiyuanhui, 2009.
XBXSK - - - Status: Complete
Geng Yichang 龚义昌. Xibozu xingshi kao 锡伯族姓氏考 / Sibe uksurai halai-i kimcin [Investigation of Sibe clan surnames]. Urumqi: Xinjiang renmin chubanshe 新疆人民出版社, 2002.
XBYZN - - - Status: Complete
Wu Yuanfeng 吴元丰, and Zhao Zhiqiang 赵志強, eds. Xibo ying zhiguan nianbiao 锡伯营职官年表 / Sibe Kūwaran i hafasai aniyai iletun [Chronology of officials for the Sibe battalion]. Urumqi: Xinjiang renmin chubanshe 新疆人民出版社, 1994.
ZGDRW - - - Status: Complete
Zhongguo Dawo’erzu renwu lu bian weihui 中国达斡尔族人物录编委会. Zhongguo Dawurzu renwu (original title) 中国达斡尔族人物录 [Biographical records of notable Daur persons in China]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 1997.
ZGWSL - - - Status: Backend
Chen Haiwen 陈海汶. Zhongguo wu shi liu ge minzu 中国的五十六个民族 [China’s 56 Ethnic Groups]. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe 上海人民出版社, 2010.
Scheduled for Future 下一階段錄入文獻條目:
ALSDJ - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Aola shi Duojin ·Kuiliqian xingshi zupu” 敖拉氏多金·奎力浅姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Aola shi Duojin ·Kuiliqian]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, 254–321. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
BBQNL - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Jin Xin 金鑫. “Qingdai Buteha baqi jianli shijian ji niulu shu'e xin kao” 清代布特哈八旗建立时间及牛录数额新考 [A new study on the establishing time of the Butha Eight Banner and the number of its niru in the Qing dynasty]. Minzu yanjiu 民族研究 (June 2012): 75–85.
BQTZC - - - Status: Scheduled for future
E’ertai (Ortai) 鄂爾泰, et al., eds. Baqi tongzhi chuji 八旗通志初集 [Preliminary compilation of the gazetteer of the Eight Banners], 606 juan, 1739. Reprint, Changchun: Dongbei shifan daxue 東北師範大學, 1985.
CEHSD - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Su Dingli 苏定理, and Su Tiegang 苏铁钢, recorded and compiled. “Chao’erhasudouri hala jiapu” 绰尔哈苏都日哈拉家谱[Genealogy of the Chao’erhasudouri]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 322–58. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
DQBQZ - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Sugiyama Kiyohiko 杉山清彦. Taisei teikoku no keisei to hakki-sei 大清帝国の形成と八旗制 [The formation of the Qing empire and the Eight Banners system]. Nagoya: Nagoya daigaku shuppankai 名古屋大学出版会 [The University of Nagoya Press], 2015.
DSGRL - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Tanabe, Tanejirō 田邊種治郎. Dong san sheng guan shen renmin lu 東三省官紳人民錄 [Records of bureaucrats in the three eastern provinces]. Taipei: Wenhai chubanshe 文海出版社, 1973.
DTKNT - - - Status: Scheduled for future
“Dengteke (Nantun bufen) xingshi zupu” 邓特科(南屯部分)姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Dengteke (of Nantun)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 359–363. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
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