Dr. Loretta E. KIM 金由美
01 Head, NCNHNL Project Director, Data Developer 項目負責人/數據錄入
A native of the United States, Dr. Kim is a graduate of Harvard University (BA, MA, PhD) and was formerly an assistant professor at the State University of New York (Albany) and Hong Kong Baptist University. She is a historian of late imperial and modern China, and has also taught courses on modern Asia, colonialism and imperialism in Southeast Asia, and Sino-Russian relations. Her primary research areas include the history of Inner Asia from 1600 to the present, comparative history of borderlands and frontiers, and Chinese ethnic minority languages and literatures (including Manchu and Mongolian).
Dr. Kim's first single-authored monograph (see below) is about the Orochen people in northern Heilongjiang during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911).
She is currently completing a GRF-funded project about non-Han names in Northeast China from 1600 to 1900, a second monograph about the Russian Orthodox Church in Hong Kong (planned for publication in 2020), and a third monograph about food resources and culinary practices in the Amur River region.
• Selected Recent Publications
Kim, Loretta E. Ethnic Chrysalis: China’s Orochen People and the Legacy of Qing Borderland Administration. Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series 119. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 2019. ISBN: 9780674237193, LCCN: 2018034038, LCC DS731.076 K56 2019
Kim, Loretta E. “From Residency to Citizenship: Chinese Nationalism and Changing Criteria for Political and Legal Interpretations of Hong Kong Identity in the Post-1997 Era,” in Reimagining Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia. London: Routledge, September 2017, 123–40.
Kim, Loretta E. “Inclement Weather and Human Error: Regular Irregularities in the Manchurian Tribute System during the Qing Dynasty.” Empire and Environment in the Making of Manchuria. Vancouver BC: UBC Press, February 2017, 80–106.
金由美, 美籍韓國人,哈佛大學史學博士。曾于美國紐約州立大學阿爾巴尼分校和香港浸會大學教授中國歷史與比較歷史,現為香港大學現代語言及文化學院副教授兼中國 研究課程(人文學科專業)主任。主要研究領域有中國明清史、邊疆比較研究、以及中國少數民族語言及文學。目前的研究項目是清代東北地區中俄文化交流以及十七至十九世紀黑龍江流域的社會文化和環境史。