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特 此 鳴 謝


艾騖德 Christopher P. Atwood​

Shellie Audsley

邊和 Bian He


康文林 Cameron Campbell


黃麗君 Huang Lijun


金尚美 Eugenia S. Kim

孔令偉 Kung Ling-wei


李中清 James Lee


陸志鴻 Gary Chi-hung Luk


Matthew Mosca 馬世嘉


大衛·波特 David Porter


祁今馨 Qi Jinxin


羅友枝 Evelyn Rawski


宋念申 Song Nianshen


唐戈 Tang Ge


Jessica Valdez

Ute Wallenböck


王元崇 Wang Yuanchong

Rebekah Wong


Benjamin Yang (PanLex)


Veronika Zikmundová



Division of Humanities, School of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology



Heilongjiang Provincial Library, Local Documents division


Manchu Studies Group 


亞洲語言人類學會議(Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology)2019年會議組織方

Organizers of the CALA (Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology) 2019 conference




Research Grants Council of Hong Kong for General Research Fund (GRF) 17601317 “Weaving Onomastic Tapestries: Corpus-Building and Analysis of Non-Chinese Names in Northeastern China, 1368-1948”





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