LEK Research Collective
Loretta Kim and Associates
In search of a non-Han name?
Visit our Northeast China Non-Han Name Lexicon (NCNHNL) and get started.
NCNHNL uses abbreviations to indicate the sources and their status in the project schedule. You can find their full reference in alphabetical order. For different statuses, "Complete" means that data input from a particular source is completed, and it is available to search in the front end. "Backend" means that data curation is completed, and it will be soon incorporated into the dataset and available in the front end. "In progress" means that we are already adding a source bit by bit. "Scheduled for future" means a source is valuable to our dataset and will be inputted as soon as possible.
Note: we keep the original languages of a source written with English translation available in square brackets.
AXJWG - - - Status: Complete
Sahaliyan ulai aihūn hoton-i gehungge yoso-i jai aniya amba ajige coohai tušan sirara hafasai ton-i toktobuha cese / Heilongjiang Aihun cheng Xuantong jun wuguan jing zhi ce 黑龍江愛琿城宣統軍武官經制冊 [Administrative records of senior and junior military officers stationed at Aihun Heilongjiang Province in the second year of Xuantong (1909) ]. Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫, file 103910.
BDDLE - - - Status: Complete
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Buteha Dedoule xingshi zupu (2)” 布特哈德都勒姓氏族谱(2)[Genealogy of the Butha Dedule (2)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo'er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, 55–92. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
BDDLS - - - Status: Complete
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Buteha Dedoule xingshi zupu (3)” 布特哈德都勒姓氏族谱(3)[Genealogy of the Butha Dedule (3)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo'er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, 93–101. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
BDDLY - - - Status: Complete
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Buteha Dedoule xingshi zupu (1)” 布特哈德都勒姓氏族谱(1)[Genealogy of the Butha Dedule (1)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, 3–55. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
BQSZT - - - Status: Backend
E’ertai (Ortai) 鄂爾泰, et al., eds. Qin ding Baqi Manzhou shizu tongpu 欽定八旗滿洲氏族通譜 [Complete genealogies of the Manchu clans and families of the Eight Banners], 1744. In Qin ding si ku quan shu 欽定四庫全書 [Complete books of the Four Storehouses]. 漢リポ Kanseki Repository. https://www.kanripo.org/text/KR2g0044/.
BQZYJ - - - Status: In progress
Tanii Yōko 谷井陽子. “Ren ming suo yin” 人名索引 [Name index]. In Hakki seido no kenkyū 八旗制度の研究 [Research on the Eight Banners system], 527–33. Kyōto: Kyōto daigaku gakujutsu shuppankai 京都大学学術出版会, 2015.
CXEGY - - - Status: Backend
Cicigar ba-i gehungge yoso-i jai aniya amba ajige hafasai ton-i toktobuha cese / Chichiharu sentō ninen daishō kan'in keiseisaku チチハル宣統二年大小官員經制冊 [Administrative records of senior and junior officers stationed at Qiqihar in the second year of Xuantong (1909) ]. Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫, file 103910.
DBDQM - - - Status: Complete
Legrand, Jacques. “Données biographiques sur les fonctionnaires des Qing de Mongolie (1796–1820)” [Biographical data on Qing officials in Mongolia , 1796–1820]. Études mongoles [Mongolian studies] 4 (1972): 75–120.
DBKCD - - - Status: Complete
Mandu’ertu (Mandurtu) 满都尔图, ed. Dawo’erzu baike cidian 达斡尔族百科词典 [Encyclopaedia of the Daur ethnic group]. Hulunbuir: Nei Menggu wenhua chubanshe 內蒙古文化出版社, 2007.
DLSDC - - - Status: Complete
Minzu wenti wuzhong congshu Nei Menggu zizhiqu bianji zu《民族问题五种丛书》内蒙古自治区编辑组 [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region editorial group of the Series of Five Types of Sources about Ethnic Questions], compiled. Dawo’erzu shehui lishi diaocha 达斡尔族社会历史调查 [Social history survey of the Daur]. Hohhot: Nei Menggu renmin chubanshe 内蒙古人民出版社, 1985.
DMNTP - - - Status: Backend
Stary, Giovanni. A Dictionary of Manchu Names: A Name-Index to the Manchu Version of the "Complete Genealogies of the Manchu Clans and Families of the Eight Banners" / Jakun gusai Manjusai mukun hala be uheri ejehe bithe 八旗滿洲氏族通譜 (Baqi Manzhou shizu tongpu). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in K., 2000.
DMRFC - - - Status: Complete
Du Xinghua 杜兴华, Batubaoyin 巴图宝音. Zhongguo Dawo'erzu mingren fengcai lu 中国达斡尔族名人风采录 [Collection of Famous Daur People in China]. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu daxue chubanshe 中央民族大学出版社, 2010.
DWEZL - - - Status: Complete
Nashundalai 那顺达來. “Kumonayan Dubotabenqian Ayantabenqian xingshi zupu” 库莫那彥、杜波塔本浅、阿彥塔本浅姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Kumonayan, Dubotabenqian and Ayantabenqian]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 8, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 1–14. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2008.
DYJSJ - - - Status: Complete
Meng Zhidong 孟志东. “Dawo’erzu yanjiu di san ji” 达斡尔族研究第三辑 [Research on the Daur, third series]. In Daor
bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 6, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 1139–1208. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2005.
DYYWH - - - Status: Complete
Ding Shiqing 丁石庆. Dawoer yuyan yu shehui wenhua 达斡尔语言与社会文化 [Daur language and social culture]. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu daxue chubanshe 中央民族大学出版社, 1998.
EMME - - - Status: Backend
Atwood, Christopher P. Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire. New York: Facts on File, 2004.
GBLMN - - - Status: In progress
“Guobuluo shi Mangnai xingshi zupu” 郭布罗氏莽乃姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Guobuluo and the Mangnai]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 4–97. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
HCTZQ - - - Status: Complete
Qian Yue 錢樾, et al., eds. Huang chao tongzhi: juan qi 皇朝通志 · 卷七 [Dynastic histories: chapter 7]. In Qin ding si ku quan shu 欽定四庫全書 [Complete books of the Four Storehouses]. Chinese Text Project. https://ctext.org/library.pl?if=gb&res=6686.
HKJRC - - - Status: Complete
Zhongguo keji rencai jiaoliu zhongxin Heilongjiang sheng fen zhongxin 中国科技人才交流中心黑龙江省分中心 [Exchange center for qualified scientists and technicians --Heilongjiang provincial branch center], ed. Heilongjiang keji rencai zongheng 黑龙江科技人才纵横 [A broad (compendium) of qualified scientists and technicians in Heilongjiang]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 1994.
HLSXZ - - - Status: Complete
Xin Peilin 辛培林, Wang Jingrong 王敬荣, eds. Heilongjiang jiangyu lishi yu xianzhuang wenti yanjiu 黑龙江疆域历史与现状问题研究 [Research on the frontier history and present problems in Heilongjiang]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 2006.
HMGDY - - - Status: Complete
Min ge Heilongjiang sheng weiyuanhui 民革黑龙江省委员会 [Revolutionary Committee of Heilongjiang province], ed. Heilongjiang min ge dangyuan minglu 黑龙江民革党员名录 [Roster of the Heilongjiang Revolutionary Committee Party members]. Internal publication 內部发行, 1994.
HMRCD - - - Status: Complete
Li Lianqing 李连清 and Zhang Shuqing 张树清, eds. Hecheng mingren cidian 鹤城名人辞典 [Dictionary of famous people of Hecheng]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 2000.
JDNZY - - - Status: Complete
Sun Bojun 孫伯君. Jindai Nüzhen yu 金代女真语 [Jurchen language in the Jin dynasty]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2004.
KEDAE - - - Status: Complete
Neimenggu dongbei shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 内蒙古东北少数民族社会历史调查组 [Survey group of social history of the ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia], compiled. Kuma’er lu Elunchun zu dang’an cailiao: di er ce 库玛尔路鄂伦春族档案材料:第二冊 [Archival materials of the Orochen in Kumar route: volume 2]. Harbin: Heilongjiang sheng minzu yanjiu suo 黑龙江省民族研究所, 1958.
KEDAS - - - Status: Complete
Neimenggu dongbei shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 内蒙古东北少数民族社会历史调查组 [Survey group of social history of the ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia], compiled. Kuma’er lu Elunchun zu dang’an cailiao: di san ce 库玛尔路鄂伦春族档案材料:第三冊 [Archival materials of the Orochen in Kumar route: volume 3]. Harbin: Heilongjiang sheng minzu yanjiu suo 黑龙江省民族研究所, 1958.
KEDAY - - - Status: Complete
Neimenggu dongbei shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha zu 内蒙古东北少数民族社会历史调查组 [Survey group of social history of the ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia], compiled. Kuma’er lu Elunchun zu dang’an cailiao: di yi ce 库玛尔路鄂伦春族档案材料:第一冊 [Archival materials of the Orochen in Kumar route: volume 1]. Harbin: Heilongjiang sheng minzu yanjiu suo 黑龙江省民族研究所, 1958.
KEMQZ - - - Status: Complete
Liu Dingxin 刘顶新. “Kuma’er lu Elunchun Manwen qiangzhi dang’an zouyi 库玛尔路鄂伦春满文枪支档案刍议 [Discussions on the documents recording rifles of the Orochen in Kumar Route].” Manyu Yanjiu 满语研究, vol. 2 (2015): 139–44.
LDMZP - - - Status: In Progress
Benxi shi dang shi difang zhi bangong shi 本溪市党史地方志办公室 [Benxi City Party History and Local History Office], ed. Liaodong Manzu jiapu xuanbian 辽东满族家谱选编 [Selected collection of Liaodong area Manchu genealogies]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2012.
LNHZS - - - Status: Complete
Ma Wenqing 马文清, Yang Yao’en杨耀恩, and Ding Qijiang丁岐江, eds. Liaoning huizu shihua 辽宁回族史话 [Historical accounts of Hui people in Liaoning]. Liaoning: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2001.
MBTHZ - - - Status: Complete
Meng Dinggong 孟定恭. Menggu Buteha Zhilue 蒙古布特哈志略 [Short Records of Geography of the Mongol Butha Banner]. Chinese Text Project. https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=836948&remap=gb.
MGSLD - - - Status: Backend
Neimenggu zizhiqu bianji zu 内蒙古自治区编辑组 [Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region editorial group], and “Zhongguo shaoshu minzu shehui lishi diaocha ziliao congkan” xiuding bianji weiyuanhui《中国少数民族社会历史调查资料丛刊》修订编辑委员会 [Editorial committee for the revision of “China’s ethnic minority social history survey data series”], compiled. Mengguzu shehui lishi diaocha 蒙古族社会历史调查 [Social history survey of the Mongols]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2009.
MSLDB - - - Status: Complete
Jilin shen shehui kexueyuan lishi yanjiu suo吉林省社会科学院历史研究所编, ed. Ming shi lu Dongbei shi ziliao ji 明实录东北史资料辑 [Collection of historical materials of northeast in Veritable Records of the Ming]. Shenyang: Liao shen shushe 辽沈书社, 1990.
MYMHY - - - Status: Backend
Qi Zhongming 綦中明. “Manyu minghao yanjiju” 满语名号研究 [Study on the Manchu titles]. PhD diss., Heilongjiang daxue 黑龙江大学, 2013.
MZWHS - - - Status: Complete
Zhang Jiasheng 张佳生, ed. Manzu wenhua shi 满族文化史 [Manchu cultural history]. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 1999.
MZXSL - - - Status: Complete
Liu Qinghua 刘庆华. Manzu xinshi lu 满族姓氏录 [Collection of Manchu hala names]. Xinbin: Liaoning shen Xinbin Manzu zizhi xian min wei and Manzu wenhua yeyu yanjiu zu 辽宁省新宾满族自治县县民委、满族文化业余研究组, 1982. Internal Publication [内部发行].
MZZHZ - - - Status: Complete
Ma Zhaozheng 马兆政. Huizu 回族 [Hui people]. Liaoning: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2008.
NHRWL - - - Status: Complete
Meng Qingjiang 孟庆江, ed. Nehe shi renwu lu 讷河市人物录 [Records of notable persons of Nehe]. Nehe: Nehe shi zhengxue wenshi he xuexi weiyuanhui 讷河市政協文史和学习委员会 [Nehe City Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) literature and history and studies committee], 2000.
QDMZP - - - Status: In Progress
He Xiaofang 何晓芳, ed. Qingdai Manzu jiapu xuanji 清代满族家谱选辑 [Selected Manchu genealogies from the Qing dynasty]. 2 vols. Shenyang: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2016.
QRMYH - - - Status: Complete
Yigeng 奕賡, and Lei Dashou 雷大受, ed. “Qingyu renming yihan” 清語人名譯漢 [Han transliteration of Qing-language personal names]. In Jia meng xuan cong zhu 佳夢軒叢著 [Series of the Jia Meng Xuan], 275–346. Beijing: Beijing guji chubanshe 北京古籍出版社, 1994.
SMZFS - - - Status: Complete
Mao Gongning 毛公宁, ed. Zhongguo shaoshu minzu fengsu zhi 中国少数民族风俗志 [Annals of China’s ethnic minority customs]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2006.
SYZQD - - - Status: Complete
Ding Shiqing 丁石庆. Shuangyu zuqun yuyan wenhua de tiaoshi yu chonggou—Dawo’erzu ge’an yanjiu 双语族群语言文化的调适与重构──达斡尔族个案研究 [Bilingual groups: the adaptation and reconstruction of linguistic culture—a case study on the Daur people]. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu chubanshe 中央民族出版社, 2006.
TYMAZ - - - Status: Complete
Tong Yue 佟悅. Manzu 满族 [Manchu ethnic group]. Liaoning: Liaoning minzu chubanshe 辽宁民族出版社, 2008.
TZLZS - - - Status: In progress
Kanda Nobuo 神田信夫, Matsumura Jun 松村潤, and Okada Hidehiro 岡田英弘, compiled. “Han Man dui zhao biao” 漢满對照表 [Conversion table of Chinese-Manchu languages]. In Hakki tsūshi retsuden sakuin 八旗通志列傳索引 [Index to the biographical sections of the Preliminary Compilation of the Gazetteer of the Eight Banners], 99–130. Tokyo : Tōyō Bunko Manbun Rōtō Kenkyūkai 東洋文庫滿文老檔硏究會, 1965.
XBXSG - - - Status: Complete
Guo Jianzhong 郭建中, ed. “Xibozu xingshi gaishu” 錫伯族姓氏概述 [Brief account of Sibe surnames]. In Yili wenshi ziliao, di 26 ji Xibozu zhuanji 伊犁文史资料:第26辑 锡伯族专辑 [Ili literature and history materials, volume number 26, Sibe ethnic group volume], composed by Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi Yili Hasake zizhizhou weiyuanhui wenshi ziliao weiyuanhui 中国人民政治协商会议伊犁哈萨克自治州委员会文史资料委员会 [Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture committee literature and history materials committee], 220–40. Yining: Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi Yili Hasake zizhizhou weiyuanhui wenshi ziliao weiyuanhui, 2009.
XBXSK - - - Status: Complete
Geng Yichang 龚义昌. Xibozu xingshi kao 锡伯族姓氏考 / Sibe uksurai halai-i kimcin [Investigation of Sibe clan surnames]. Urumqi: Xinjiang renmin chubanshe 新疆人民出版社, 2002.
XBYZN - - - Status: Complete
Wu Yuanfeng 吴元丰, and Zhao Zhiqiang 赵志強, eds. Xibo ying zhiguan nianbiao 锡伯营职官年表 / Sibe Kūwaran i hafasai aniyai iletun [Chronology of officials for the Sibe battalion]. Urumqi: Xinjiang renmin chubanshe 新疆人民出版社, 1994.
ZGDRW - - - Status: Complete
Zhongguo Dawo’erzu renwu lu bian weihui 中国达斡尔族人物录编委会. Zhongguo Dawurzu renwu (original title) 中国达斡尔族人物录 [Biographical records of notable Daur persons in China]. Harbin: Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe 黑龙江人民出版社, 1997.
ZGWSL - - - Status: Backend
Chen Haiwen 陈海汶. Zhongguo wu shi liu ge minzu 中国的五十六个民族 [China’s 56 Ethnic Groups]. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe 上海人民出版社, 2010.
The list below is sources scheduled for future input:
ALSDJ - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], ed. “Aola shi Duojin ·Kuiliqian xingshi zupu” 敖拉氏多金·奎力浅姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Aola shi Duojin ·Kuiliqian]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, 254–321. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
BBQNL - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Jin Xin 金鑫. “Qingdai Buteha baqi jianli shijian ji niulu shu'e xin kao” 清代布特哈八旗建立时间及牛录数额新考 [A new study on the establishing time of the Butha Eight Banner and the number of its niru in the Qing dynasty]. Minzu yanjiu 民族研究 (June 2012): 75–85.
BQTZC - - - Status: Scheduled for future
E’ertai (Ortai) 鄂爾泰, et al., eds. Baqi tongzhi chuji 八旗通志初集 [Preliminary compilation of the gazetteer of the Eight Banners], 606 juan, 1739. Reprint, Changchun: Dongbei shifan daxue 東北師範大學, 1985.
CEHSD - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Su Dingli 苏定理, and Su Tiegang 苏铁钢, recorded and compiled. “Chao’erhasudouri hala jiapu” 绰尔哈苏都日哈拉家谱[Genealogy of the Chao’erhasudouri]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi 《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 322–58. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
DQBQZ - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Sugiyama Kiyohiko 杉山清彦. Taisei teikoku no keisei to hakki-sei 大清帝国の形成と八旗制 [The formation of the Qing empire and the Eight Banners system]. Nagoya: Nagoya daigaku shuppankai 名古屋大学出版会 [The University of Nagoya Press], 2015.
DSGRL - - - Status: Scheduled for future
Tanabe, Tanejirō 田邊種治郎. Dong san sheng guan shen renmin lu 東三省官紳人民錄 [Records of bureaucrats in the three eastern provinces]. Taipei: Wenhai chubanshe 文海出版社, 1973.
DTKNT - - - Status: Scheduled for future
“Dengteke (Nantun bufen) xingshi zupu” 邓特科(南屯部分)姓氏族谱 [Genealogy of the Dengteke (of Nantun)]. In Daor bitegei horiewu debtlien / Dawo’er ziliao ji 达斡尔资料集 [Daur historical materials anthology], vol. 5, edited by Dawo’er ziliao ji bianweihui yu Quanguo shaoshu minzu guji zhengli yanjiu shi《达斡尔资料集》编委会与全国少数民族古籍整理研究室 [Daur Historical Materials Anthology committee and National research and editorial office for ethnic minority ancient texts], 359–363. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe 民族出版社, 2004.
ELCJS - - - Status: Scheduled for future
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